
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Big Bust and Pintails

OK so the Big One didn't happen, something about not enough moisture being picked up from the ocean, oh well.  We still got enough snow for awhile or at least until Saturday, when another storm passes by.  Had a good day once I got the car scooped out, then had to help the neighbor.  He was standing behind his car just looking at the snow-I asked him if he needed help, his only response was-I don't have a shovel!  So I got out and used my emergency short handled shovel that the wife got for use if we ever got stuck and scooped his car out.  He helped some, but then he turned to me and said I don't have socks on-on closer examination, I saw that he was still in his PJ's-don't know and didn't ask.  But did he get his car out.  Nope-didn't offer any money.

Finished up the miniature pintail painting; carved in some feathers, used the wood burner to add some texture to the head and body and was pleased with the final result-there is a picture here some place.  Also worked on the head of the shorebirds (not one of my strengths) so I can get eyes in that don't look bug eyed.  Going to carve the eyes in, then paint them-will be another first.  The wife suggested today that I pick a decoy to complete to take to the Ward Museum Competition-this may work out after all.  But can I stand the pressure of  getting something like this done then there is the competition.    I know positive thoughts, maybe I can get you all to judge before I decide.

Had a recommendation of visiting Port Clyde, Maine-checked it out on line  and it looked interesting-there is a neat light house, so may have to make two trips-thanks for the tip.  Just no substitute for the ocean.  Heading for Portland Maine tomorrow for the day so better get an early bed time.  I appreciate you all stopping by-always fun and remember to measure twice and cut once.

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