
Saturday, June 11, 2011


The heat seems to have come earlier this year than I remember, or at least for New Hampshire, usually this is Missouri heat and humidity.  We try to tell ourselves that the humidity is different but the AC runs just the same!  I have completed my first school year of retirement-on a scale of 1-10 probably a 6 but with new hip closer to 9!  I have two shore birds for sale on Etsy, many lookers but so far no takers.  Have already been in the local swimming pool, been on a bike ride and walking 2-3 miles per day with the wife, plus rehab so am losing some weight.  Been doing some carving under the daughter's apple tree-much fun as every 15 minutes have to throw the ball for the dog!

But this all got interrupted by  mom getting pneumonia and winding up in the hospital for 4 days; but as she usually does is making a rapid recovery and getting back to finishing up some quilts.  Since she has come back home, I have started work at Camp Merrowvista for the Wolfeboro daughter; getting the shop ready for campers making benches, bird houses and boxes.  Part of my "duties" include transporting the boys to various games and events-of course Sam the oldest, seems to be needing my services less and less!!  The whole environment at camp is so different than the "real" world, no bullying, no cliches, no posturing, honest communication-when I think of creating an educational system that values young people, this should be the model to follow. OK no more soap boxes!

Don't have pictures to post as not on the home computer but I promise will get some up soon showing where I spend some of my summer.  So until next time, measure twice, cut once and also remember to keep at tight line!

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