
Saturday, April 23, 2011

It's Snowing

It's Saturday, had thought that streams would be at a fishable level and that I might forgo the wood work to do some fishing on this Easter weekend-but the green spring grass is covered in snow, temp in the 30's and the forecast is for rain, rain, rain.  Perhaps when I was younger I would "gear up" and go out anyway, but age and a wife who is supervising my recovery and rehab from the hip is discouraging this type of activity in this type of weather.  Besides we have to go watch the grand kids do the "dye the egg" thing!  Good friend of mine is fishing at a place called Rockwell Springs Trout Club in Ohio-check it out on the web, very interesting post.  I changed my Facebook profile picture to opening day at Bennett Springs in Missouri, where fisherman stand shoulder to shoulder to catch 5 trout; say what you want, but it was at Bennett Springs where I spent a week doing nothing but fly fishing that I learned how to do this stuff.

The bears are out of hibernation and feeding at the bird feeders for those people who either want to keep feeding the birds or just want to see bears tear up their feeders.  I read an article that some bears out west are not hibernating but are feeding on kills from wolves over the winter months.  Another change in behaviors.  Listening to a person speak about the preservation of forests, restoring forests and the Easter celebration of rebirth.  They spoke of the importance of maintaining a healthy woodlands by intelligent plan of harvesting.

Found a new pattern for a bench that includes a vise that I plan to build this summer.  Not one that can set in the living room but one that I can use the tools with and not take up much space.  Something to build once good weather gets here.  Pictures to follow (I hope).  I plan to build a bench similar to the ones in the picture except tall enough for me to sit, then attach the vise sold by Woodcraft.  Creating a stable base for using the plane and draw knife will speed the process.

Looking forward to spring, getting outside to carve and getting knee deep in some trout water.  Thanks for reading and remember to measure twice and cut once.  Peace this Easter season.

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